I attended a presentation recently where the person speaking was talking about when it is and is not appropriate to challenge your host's views, perhaps at a dinner party or other social event. He noted that in some cultures, it's perfectly appropriate and expected to have a heated discussion about the topic at hand, and that it is done without introducing any sense of offense, malice or personal attack. In the U.S., he noted, we tend to make (and take) everything so personal that it is generally not acceptable to challenge someone's views unless (the narrative goes) you are prepared to take extraordinary measures to dance around their ego and perhaps walk away never to speak to each other again.
As I thought about these observations (which I suppose are fairly obvious to those who hop between cultures), I realized that I'm definitely someone who prefers to be challenged, and who gets the most out of a conversation when I feel safe doing the challenging. But I know that in the course of seeking healthy dialog, especially dialog in the public sphere amongst relative strangers, it can still be quite a balancing act to engage in challenge with a positive outcome. And I worry that our fear of challenging or being challenged, or being out of practice with actually doing it, means that we end up missing out on great opportunities for conversation and building shared vision with those around us.
So I thought it worth writing down some of the ways that I find useful to challenge and be challenged, in hopes of eliciting comments and refinements from others who find themselves aware of their own tendencies and preferences in these areas.
First, I should be more clear about what I mean when I talk about challenging someone. If you're already clearly engaged in a debate or dialog about an issue (such as you might be at a book club, or debate competition, or editorial board meeting), then you may be challenging each others` perspectives or opinions, but that's not the kind of challenge I'm referring to. I'm talking about a setting like the scenario mentioned above, where there's no default expectation that a statement or expressed view is in question, or that the listeners will react in any remotely opposing way to the speaker.
A dinner gathering where conversation is typically kept polite. A hallway conversation about the day's news. A social exchange in a public place. These seem like settings where if someone says "Red really is the greatest color out there, and so..." and you happen to think that red is simply the worst color out there, you generally aren't expected to interrupt them to say so, if you say anything at all. The challenge is a turning point where the chit-chat has ended, where the weather is no longer relevant, and the topic at hand is of importance to those conversing. And of course, I'm not talking about colors here....for me, red is politics, red is reproductive rights, red is money management, red is peak oil and climate change, red is how to raise kids properly, red is peace and justice issues, red is religion and spirituality.
What do I get out of being challenged? I'm asked to reconsider my views, to explore where they came from, to understand where I'm at with them now - that's exciting! I learn how to communicate better, to make myself understood in ways that I don't currently know - that's great! I get to know viewpoints that are not my own, to really understand them, and perhaps even to adopt them - wonderful. When I think of times in my life when I've grown the most, felt the most alive, they are times when I've been challenged into new ways of looking at the world.
So, If someone wants to tell me that I'm wrong about red, to challenge me on my views, here are some ways that really work for me:
- Speaking plainly and boldly about how you feel. "Chris, I think you're just wrong about that, and here's why." I respect it when feelings and views are not diluted out of concern for ego or politeness, though I certainly understand and frequently give in to that impulse.
- Maintaining the tone of the conversation even as its importance or intensity may escalate. I appreciate that some people express themselves best through raising their voice or gesturing wildly, but I generally don't respond well to it. I think emphasis and importance can be shown in ways that don't alienate someone (like me) who wants to hear and process the words as clearly as possible, without distraction. I fully realize that this is just something I can hope for, but not expect out of many people.
- Understanding my perspective fully. As I always strive to do for someone in a conversation, I can most engage another when I know that they are trying to see an issue from where I stand, and ask the questions necessary to get there. If it is always left to me to "make my position clear" and the other person isn't invested in helping, then things quickly turn to debate and thoughts of victory for victory's sake, instead of genuine mutual understanding.
Here are some things that really don't work for me:
- Interrupting. If I'm interrupting someone, then we're not having a conversation, we're exchanging monologues, and we're back to trying to win instead of trying to understand or agree. If someone is interrupting me, then I no longer have any sense of confidence in their ability to hear me out, and I just want the conversation to be over. I know that many, many interruption-laden conversations happen every day in families, businesses, and public spaces every day, and I know that it seems normal to some, but for me it's a symptom of the declining quality of important dialog.
- Justifying a challenge based solely on vague personal declarations of understanding about how the world is. I'm fully in support of having conversation in this country that is LESS focused on the might and power of logic to the detriment of emotion and less cerebral forms of connection. But, if you're going to tell me that I'm wrong about red, you can't JUST tell me that it's because you feel that way: "Chris, you're wrong about red because everything I've ever experienced tells me so." Whatever your reasoning, or emoting, or deep sense of right and wrong that guides you, you have to find a way to help me see it if we are to understand each other.
When I challenge someone, there are a number of things I take into consideration:
- Is this a situation where challenging this person can have a good and worthwhile outcome? Is it possible for us to have an exchange that is meaningful? If not, is the challenge about an issue that is important enough to go ahead anyway (i.e. standing up for something on principle more important than my relationship with the person I'm challenging)? Will the resulting conversation be impacted negatively by the setting? Would a written challenge be more effective?
- When I challenge someone's views, can I do it in a way that authentically represents my own views or that respectively questions the reservations I have about their views, or is it just going to be a negation of something they've said that leaves no real path forward for them in the conversation? Am I challenging out of care, or out of the desire to be right?
- When does it end? If we challenge each other, and we don't come to some point of understanding or clarity, how will we find closure? Does the other person want to resolve the challenge as much as I do (or more, or less)? What kinds of signs should I look for that they're done? When and how will I express my need to end the conversation?
That's what I have for now. What do you think? Do you like to challenge or be challenged in a conversation? If not, why not? If so, what methods or approach do and don't work for you?

I like your perspective on a lot of this stuff, Chris. But I do disagree with you regarding interruptions. It's funny that you say that if you're interrupting, you feel like you're exchanging monologues. I see it as entirely the other way around.
Since I first encountered you today via links regarding telephony, I know that you've experienced speakerphone conference calls with half-duplex service. In that environment, you *can't* interrupt the person on the other end in many cases, unless you can somehow manage to out-shout them. It becomes unbearable. There needs to be natural give and take in a genuine conversation, an ebb and flow, in order to really be communicating effectively. I find nothing more frustrating than someone soapboxing so that any time you try to slip a word in edgewise, they accuse you of interrupting them. It's not the way to come to an understanding.
Of course if by interrupting you are referring to not only breaking in but taking over, then yes, I am with you there. It is utterly frustrating not to be able - eventually - to get out what you are trying to say. But to have to be patient while someone interjects comments or clarifications along the path, I don't have a problem with that.
I happened to stumble across this post when googling "challenge someone's views" and really enjoyed it. I hadn't been aware of any research on the topic but had only experienced how unfavorably most people responded to what I only meant to be a more nuanced exchange of ideas, because I also enjoy learning from others and redefining my perspective based on a broader range of information, wherever it comes from. Many people who proclaim the universal truth of their own experience have accused me of stubbornness for being unwilling to accept the perspective borne of their experiences as being universally true for everyone. I was wondering what others might have to say about this issue. Thanks for your insightful post. It's good to know there are others who enjoy being challenged as well.
Thank you for your very insightful and useful comments. I was searching for some assistance regarding challenging someone's perspective without making them "wrong' and was able to glean some helpful verbiage from your blog.
Thanks you,
Pat Holloway
Thank you Chris. The point about being right stikes a cord with me. Often I have found that others become defensive when I challenge them and they back off instead of counter challenging me. I learn a lot from others and am disappointed when this happens
Thanks for your post Chris. I find my views being challenged by peers and find myself being insulted and feeling disrespected. It is frustrating. But I'm thinking my attitude is all wrong, that from now on when I comment that I should be expecting challenge and be prepared to defend my assertions. People seem to interrupt with a challenge but often then try to take over the conversation which can be annoying. I fear challenge so much that I become nervous and shut down, allowing them take over even though a lot of the time their challenging statements are in fact wrong.
Thanks for your post , for it really cleared up the word "challenge" in a debating sense which I was really looking for! I am younger than most people who get into these certain topics and I really want to learn more about how to challenge people in a very open minded way. Since I talked to my peers about things that people don't really research or take time to notice the perspective of that topics , that are deemed controversial. I was also challenged by others and I was completely fine with , in my mind they just wants answers and to understand , not to shame as "right" or "wrong"I never responded with any angered emotions . but just like my peers I wanted to challenge things , as it is a challenge for myself , to finally propose my i guess analysed rants ! Thank you so much for this insightful post , also I suggest if you could talk about how to present your topic of which you're debating about in a way that everyone can understand , connecting the research with the subject your talking about , i would love it as some people think a lot about their ideas or range but never have the right words to explain it .