- If I survived that high ropes course today, surely I can wean these kittens off of their bottles. #
- What a lovely day, full of those moments C.S. Lewis described: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." #
- Whether they ever find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet. #
- New blog post, "On practicing what you preach" #
- Why do the caterpillar and the ant have to be enemies? One eats leaves, and the other eats caterpillars. Oh, I see now. #
- New blog post: Failed Attempts at Being You #
- Maybe some day, the Drupal project will get its security vulnerability announcements down to less than what seems like 1 per hour. #
- Ending a long and interesting day, looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. You? #
- Getting on the road to speak to some great folks in Cincinnati. #
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