In the Spring, I mentioned here that I was running for political office as a candidate for Richmond City Council here in Richmond, Indiana - my first real venture into politics. I never did post an update on this blog that I won the Primary Election held in May (YAY!), and so now I'm on the ballot for consideration in the November general election.
Despite having lots of overlap in subject matter between my political efforts and my writings here, I will generally continue to keep my campaign-related news and updates on my website (BOOKMARK IT), and on my campaign Facebook page (LIKE IT) and Twitter account (FOLLOW IT). But, I thought I'd give you a taste of some of the material my campaign is creating as we get back into that season.
You can watch a YouTube video interview with me:
You can read about why I think this particular election matters.
You can follow some of my thoughts about the 2012 budgeting process going on right now in Richmond, which will set the budget that (if elected) I'll be overseeing on Council.
I certainly welcome your thoughts, encouragement, support, endorsements, challenges and admonitions along the way. If you have the means and inclination, campaign contributions of any amount are also accepted and will be put to good use immediately.
Thanks to everyone who has been a part of this adventure so far. Here we go!