This is interesting: former Economic Development Corporation of Wayne County President Don Holbrook, who was fired from the organization a few years ago in an unfortunate controversy, has released a self-published book about economic development tips and strategies. Titled "The Little Black Book of Economic Development," Holbrook says the book has information about the skills and resources needed to "create world class local economies that are both sustainable and transformational in nature." You can read an excerpt online. In his press release, Holbrook quotes reviews from economic and social strategists such as Rebecca Ryan (who visited Richmond in February 2006), and Richard Florida, author of the much celebrated book The Rise of the Creative Class.
Hmmm, I wonder if he "shared" about his experiences in Richmond in the book - perhaps for his sake and ours, let's hope not.

There's that word "sustainable" again.
I read his book along with apparently hundreds of others who seem to find him an expert and a refreshing visionary to the economic development field. Too bad Richmond didn't treat him with the respect he deserved. He did by the way mention Wayne County under his discussion of Open Meeting Law violations in the book... as an example of poor governance and public accountability.