One of the weird things about blogs is that, as much time as people put into creating interesting and useful content for them, it's rare that anyone goes to the trouble to read back through older entries unless they're really looking for something specific, or are otherwise very committed to the content.
I don't expect that most of my readers here will bother with browsing through archives just for the fun of it, so I already make available a couple of topic-related mechanisms to find what you're looking for: the list of post tags (visualized in the image shown here), the category tree, the search form, the list of top-rated posts, etc.
Today I'm introducing another way to get to my core content, an index of my signature blog posts. This is a list of my more substantial and well-considered essays on a variety of topics, and I think it represents well the thinking and writing I've done on topics I'm passionate about. I'll try to keep it updated regularly, and I hope you find it useful.

Great idea for the index. I've tried this in various forms on previous blogs but i don't know how much use readers made of it. Mine was more scaled down though, mainly a list of "featured posts" in the sidebar. Now i put "top posts," and automated list of the most popular posts, by rank of hits. That way, i know what readers think are my "signature posts," what they find most valuable. Not better, just a different approach.