This blog post is serving as a bookmark for the recently deactivated podcast and website at, which I used to produce and maintain.
In 2006 I created a podcast called The Richmond News Review. It consisted of 15-30 minute shows where I commented on news and events in and around Richmond, Indiana, sometimes interviewing newsmakers, politicians and members of the local media. The show ran weekly at first, and then less frequently, until the last episode in 2008. After leaving the website dormant for a couple of years, in the fall of 2012 I decided to take it down.
Producing the show was an incredible amount of fun for me. I got to blend my writing and blogging about news and politics with my interest in audio and video production. I gained a new appreciation of the time and effort that goes into creating a podcast that people would actually want to listen to (let alone content that is compelling). I added a new voice and perspective to some interesting community discussions. And based on the feedback I got from listeners around the community, I provoked some useful dialog.
I still have the final published MP3 files from the podcast, if there's an episode you're interested in hearing.