Just a few minutes before it happened, I had said, "You'd think people would pay better attention to what's going on around them on the road." We were barreling west on I-70, heading to a wedding in southwest Indiana, and I'd just watched the second police car in a row with its lights and sirens at full blast trying to get by a driver ahead of us who wasn't checking their rearview mirror enough. We didn't know what was up ahead, but I didn't have a good feeling about it. Perhaps in my own nervousness about what was in front of us, I apparently also stopped checking my rearview mirror frequently enough, because the next time I looked at it, there was a third police car right behind us, lights and sirens blaring, trying to get by. Not good.
A few miles up the road, the traffic in the eastbound lanes across the median were going very very slow. And not because of any apparent wreck or other barrier. We were trying to figure that out when I saw more lights up ahead - brake lights, flashing red and blue lights, and glints of sunlight off of surfaces that were moving in directions and patterns that just didn't seem right. A cop cruiser cut dramatically across the median, and then another came back across the other way, also really flooring it. "Uh-oh," I said. The cars ahead of us were coming to a full stop. Then we saw the white van weaving in and out of the traffic ahead, and then it was coming toward us on our side of the road, twisting and turning on and off of the pavement and grass.
I pulled off quickly, and I guess we were lucky that they weren't at the stage of the car chase where they were ready to cause as much damage as possible, because we certainly would have been easy to hit. Instead, they pointed the stolen van away from us and continued on down the road, still desperate to just get away. We could see the faces of the two young men in the front seat, seemingly composed. "Just stop - this isn't going to work out well for you," Anna Lisa tried to yell at them, but I don't think they were taking advice at that moment. And in case they decided to turn around again, I left them behind us, hoping that the ordeal ended with no injuries, and as at least ten law enforcement vehicles gave chase.
From the Palladium-Item write-up:
A Missouri man was arrested on two felony charges Saturday after allegedly leading police through a multi-county high-speed pursuit, the Indiana State Police said.
Police arrested Matthew L. Page, 18, of Springfield, Mo., with possession of stolen property and neglect of a dependent, which are both Class D felonies. He was also arrested on charges of resisting law enforcement and criminal recklessness. Both are Class A misdemeanors.
Page is being held in the Henry County Jail. Police also arrested two juveniles who are also from Springfield. They were lodged in the Henry County Youth Detention Center for Juvenile Delinquency.
One of the juveniles, a 15-year-old male, was an escapee from a juvenile facility in Missouri, police said.
Police tried stopping Page who was driving a white Chevy van on Indiana 3 for a seat belt violation.
Page sped off Indiana 3 onto Interstate 70 and reached speeds up to 110 miles per hour, police said.
The stolen van cut across the I-70 median twice before the trio jumped out the vehicle and tried to escape before being arrested.
My heart-rate finally returned to normal many hours later. I wonder when Mr. Page and friends will know normal again.

Just, wow.
I'm glad y'all are okay.
I came across this moronic chase as it came to an end, my boyfriend and I were on our way to the Indy 500.Traffic on I-70 was at a stand still. A few miles ahead I saw a group of Men in blue, along with a Dog (for the scent of a moron on the run) and I noticed a "child" (not really, just a huge dumb ass; not that children are dumb asses... but you catch my drift) apprehended in hand-cuffs and was yelling at the officers. Um, yes. Yelling. Like it were there faults for catching him and his buddies. When passing by I was close enough to them as I said I could hear the "child" yelling at the officers, I noticed a Young girl standing on the street in handcuffs too. What is seriously wrong with people these days? People could have been hurt or even killed. Where were these kids raised? I just don't get it. I guess I don't need to...I thought I would share too...But I was not dealing with the fear for felt that day...I'm just glad you're okay...Take care and watch out for dumb asses on the highway that think they can out run the police...DUHHHH
Wow, talk about a show stopper. I am glad nothing happened to you two but it will definitely make for great stories for years to come.
I love that Anna Lisa yelled at them... I probably would have done the same thing.
im really glad you folks werent hurt but im glad they caught the little bastard. early fri morn he had my daughter with him in a stolen car in hollister mo. my family including my wife had a part in catching my daughter in the car while this piece of shit ran with the 2 juv. kids ,then he stole the van in hollister we had been looking for him in sringfield to help put the punk in jail but as i see he made it all the way to ind. im sorry for the people who had to witt. this jackass who has no concearn for the lives of everyone who he put in danger, im really sorry my daughter had anything to do with him im really glad the cops got to him first cause i wouldnt be well you know the rest thats my kid he had with him at one point and time ! this jckass also liked to rob the home less also here in springfield and thought he was gang member like the crips or bloods witch erver one carries the blue again i thank god no one was hurt on the highway i also hope they throw the book at him in all three states or the feds. should pick up the charges for crossing state lines with minor children
Well, thank the crazy series of (seemingly) random events that we call fate or chaos, for keeping you safe.
Wrong way up the freeway - what will those kids think up next?