I asked on Twitter yesterday if anyone would like to compare the "Notifo" service to the "Prowl" application for handling push notifications to iPhone and other mobile devices. No one answered, and so here's my brief rundown comparing the two.
If you don't already know about push notifications, a brief primer: they're basically just like text messages, except they can be routed/categorized in ways that make them useful to individual applications on your phone. Instead of getting a generic SMS text message when someone DMs you on Twitter, you can instead use push notifications to have the Twitter app on your phone realize a new DM has come in and alert you according to your personal settings. When you "view" a push notification, you can be taken to a web page or app that's relevant to its content. Best part: the messages don't count against any text messaging limit (for now).
I started using Prowl about 9 months ago. My three main uses were:
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